Немного мимимишечек было вот на этой открытке. Кстати, "маленькая милая девочка" это не я, а наша дочь Даша, которую мы указали в нашем аккаунте в Посткроссинге, да и на аватарке она тоже присутствует. Многие, кто присылает нам открытки передают ей привет, некоторые просят ее за них поцеловать, кто-то рисует для нее рисунки или клеит наклейки. Дашка ее очень маленькая, но в будущем, уверена, ей будет безумно приятно все это читать и рассматривать! :)
This nice addition was on this postcard. By the way, "cute little girl" addressed not to me, but to our gaughter Dasha. We mentioned her in our profile on Postcrossing and she is also presented on the avatar, so many people who send us postcards say "hello" to her, ask to kiss her for them, draw pictures or stick cute stickers especially for her. Dasha is very young now, but I'm sure in the future she'll be happy to watch and read all this!
This nice addition was on this postcard. By the way, "cute little girl" addressed not to me, but to our gaughter Dasha. We mentioned her in our profile on Postcrossing and she is also presented on the avatar, so many people who send us postcards say "hello" to her, ask to kiss her for them, draw pictures or stick cute stickers especially for her. Dasha is very young now, but I'm sure in the future she'll be happy to watch and read all this!
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