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26.05.2014 Taipei |
вторник, 4 июня 2024 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
среда, 15 мая 2024 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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22.05.2014 Penghu |
Посткроссинг. В гости!
Postcrossing. Let's go visit!
воскресенье, 16 января 2022 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
23.04.2014 Taipei |
Посткроссинг. Жемчужный чай и русская водка.
Для Элис это первый опыт написать и отправить открытку незнакомцу. Она слегка стесняется своего английского, но обещает побольше практиковаться.На картинке известный тайваньский напиток, жечужный молочный чай. Элис пишет, что местные жители любят его так же, как русские водку... 😕 Здесь она не постеснялась 😄 Девушка выражает надежду, что однажны у нас получится приехать и отведать лично этот национальный напиток. Хотелось бы!
О жемчужном чае нам уже, кстати, писали - смотреть открытку.
Postcrossing. Pearl tea and Russian vodka.
среда, 3 ноября 2021 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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10.04.2014 Tai Nan |
Посткроссинг. Три толстяка и ангел.
Немногословный привет из южного Тайваня от девушки Сингис. Знать бы ещё, что это за иллюстрация на открытке...Postcrossing. Three fat men and an angel.
Short greetings from southern Taiwan from the girl Singis. I wonder where the illustration from this postcard comes from?..
воскресенье, 19 сентября 2021 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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02.04.2014 Yilan |
Посткроссинг. И снова эта башня!
Санни, ученица старшей школы, расписала плюсы, которые видит в Посткроссинге, главные из них это много новых друзей, а также целая уйма веселья 😄 Всё так!!!И да, снова она, самая высокая башня в Тайване "Тайбэй 101". Настоящая гордость местных жителей. В предыдущем посте об открытке из Тайваня я подробно писала про эту башню, почитать можно здесь.
Postcrossing. This tower again!
Sunny, a senior high school student, described the advantages she sees in Postcrossing, the main ones are many new friends and a lot of fun 😄 It's like that!!!
And yes, here it is again, the tallest tower in Taiwan "Taipei 101". The real pride of the locals. In the previous post about a postcard from Taiwan, I wrote about this tower more detailed, you can read it here.
четверг, 9 сентября 2021 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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28.03.2014 Taoyuan |
Посткроссинг. Тайбэй 101.
Postcrossing. Taipei 101.
понедельник, 30 августа 2021 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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21.03.2014 Taipei |
Посткроссинг. Весёлый алфавит.
Ариэль 21 год, она студентка колледжа, любит читать, смотреть кино, и просто обожает рисовать. Главная мечта - поехать за границу и учиться на иллюстратора. Уж не знаю про заграницу, но вот на счет профессии точно сбылось - спустя 7 лет девушка работает профессиональным иллюстратором! Бойтесь мечтать, как говорится :)Postcrossing. Fun alphabet.
воскресенье, 12 августа 2018 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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17.02.2014 New Taipei city |
Shawn, let it be "he", sent a very strange postcard - only the address and the stamps, not any artistic component. He also immediately recorded us as friends, invited to visit Taiwan and said that he was very glad to get acquainted. About himself, Shawn wrote only that he studied junior high school at the international Buddhist humanitarian non-governmental organization Tzu Chi in Hualien. At the end of a short message, the guy expressed the hope that we, too, would now send him postcards ...
суббота, 10 марта 2018 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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14.02.2014 Hsinchu |
Since we love to travel very much, Mao-Teng decided to offer such a quest: to come to Taiwan, find the place on the postcard (it is the Eluanbi Lighthouse) and take a photo from the same angle. Interesting idea!
четверг, 27 апреля 2017 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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21.01.2014 Gaoxiong |
Интересный факт - с этого аккаунта Йи отправила всего одну открытку - только нам.
Изображение на фото как бы размыто и двоится, потому что это голограмма.
И ещё - я заметила, что у тайваньцев очень похож почерк! :)
I can't stop admiring the inhabitants of Taiwan - almost everyone who sends a postcard (they are avid postcrossers!) declares love to their small, but beautiful island! The girl Yi (senior high school student) was no exception. She writes that Taiwan, among other things, is famous for recreation, and if we are planning a trip to Asia, Taiwan will undoubtedly be the best choice, its beauty will certainly surprise us! We must necessarily visit the night market and try pearl milk tea (a foamy tea drink, which is usually added "pearls" - balls made from tapioca - from Wikipedia), the girl simply adores it.
The image on the photo is a bit blurry and doubles, because it's a hologram.
Interesting fact - with this account Yi sent just one postcard - only to us.
And the last - I noticed that the Taiwanese have very similar handwriting! :)
пятница, 21 апреля 2017 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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21.01.2014 Taitung |
На открытке чудесная линия океанского прибоя, к которой можно подобраться только пешком (если я правильно поняла её английский).
Cherry loves to travel and read books, and also to dance with the children in the church.
On the postcard is a wonderful line of ocean surf, to get which you can only on foot (if I understood her English correctly).
пятница, 12 декабря 2014 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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06.01.2014 Guanxi |
This is the first card the young Iris sends, she writes that on this occasion she is exciting and even a little nervous. In her message Iris shares cherished - one day she dreams to travel around the world, maybe that's why she chose a postcard not with a view of native Taiwan (on the picture is the Gate of Angkor Thom, Cambodia). The girl also could not hide that she envies how much we are able to travel and offers to share with her the best moments of our trips, by sending cards, further Iris writes her address...
четверг, 28 августа 2014 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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04.12.2013 Taichung city |
The postcard from the user with the nickname Sweet Hell (do not even know if it is he or she) with a very strange message. The guy writes he/she is very sorry that have sent prank or no text postcard to us before and therefore sends a new one. Indeed, in October we got a card from him/her (watch), but to me it did not seem insulting, on the contrary, I liked it, even without any text. This card Sweet Hell saw in the bookstore, and decided that it's pretty cute, so decided to share with us. He/she also writes that he is very fond of cats, and hopes that we would like his/her choice. In the end the postcrosser thanks us for reading and apologizes once again. I decided to thank the strange man by sending him/her a message through the site, but it turned out that the account was already deleted ...
воскресенье, 24 августа 2014 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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04.12.2013 Taipei |
Чери 16 лет, она посещает миссионерскую школу, где их учат всегда помогать тем, кто в нужде. Год назад все свои карманные деньги девушка решила пожертвовать африканским детям через фонд "World vision", чем, я уверена, сейчас она очень гордится.
Catalan artist Joan Miro (1893-1983) worked in the genre, close to surrealism, so his works often look like incoherent children's drawings. However, it did not prevent him to have thousands of fans all over the world, - Cheie is among them, she considers Miro the best artist of all times! This card is very special for the girl and she very much hope that we will appreciate its true value.
Cherie is 16 years old, she is studying in a missionary school where they are taught to always help those in need. A year ago, all the pocket money she decided to donate to African children through "World vision", and I am sure that now she is very proud of that.
четверг, 7 августа 2014 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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27.11.2013 Taipei |
The postcard from Claire to wish a nice day! As a lover of travel to travel lovers, the girl strongly advises to visit Taiwan one day - the island of love and hospitality! (yes-yes, someday we will venture out on this trip!) The picture's title is "Love in the island", each piece of the heart is one of the provinces of Taiwan, in total they occupy 36,000 square kilometers with a population of 23 million people.
четверг, 1 мая 2014 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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06.11.2013 Taipei |
На открытке ворота в один из восьми национальных парков Тайваня, Тароко кит.
Iris lives in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. This region is famous for delicious food and beautiful surroundings. The local language is Mandarin Chinese. One of the most popular attractions in the capital is "Taipei 101" - the second world tallest building after Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai. Iris is sure, if ever we come to Taiwan, we will certainly find what to see and do there, and finally simply fall in love with the country!
On the picture is the gate to Taroko - one of the eight national parks in Taiwan.
среда, 9 апреля 2014 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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28.10.2013 Taichung city |
This unusual bi-textured postcard came from fifteen year old Alice. The girl describes her country as "the beautiful land with many kind people". She writes that loves to learn cultures of diffirent countries that's why she's interested what is Russia like and does it have something special? I'm afraid it would be quite difficult for me to answer in a couple of sentences...
понедельник, 31 марта 2014 г.
воскресенье, 9 марта 2014 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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14.10.2013 Taipei |
The Chinese believe - everything that is written on the sky lanterns once fulfilled, so they usually write their most cherished desires. Belle launched these gold lanterns for us and wrote wishes of luck and good health. If we ever come to her country, she really advises to write down the dream and let the lantern fly in the sky, it will fly away and help the wish to come true ... The girl also advises to visit Taiwan night market - she is sure we will have great and very unusual experience. Generally, Belle believes that our countries differ much from each other, take at least the climate - on their island is much hotter. She dreams one day to visit Russia - hope, the lantern with this wish will get the destination soon...
среда, 5 марта 2014 г.
Тайвань (TAIWAN)
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14.10.2013 Taichung city |
"Ask, and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you" - this is the translation of the hieroglyphics on the front side of the card and it's the line from the New Testament. The sender decided not to add anything from himself (herself?).