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04.03.2014 Jinan |
К сожалению, эта проблема действительно существует. По моим посткроссерским наблюдениям, обмен коррекспонденцией между Китаем и Россией - самый неблагонадёжный из всех мной попробованных... До обидного много открыток, отправленных в Поднебесную, кануло в лету, очень-очень жаль...
На фото известный (по словам девушки) родник их города.
A girl who did not indicate her name sent us a card a couple of months ago which was lost somewhere along the way. Then she decided to try again, and the second try was successful - we received a postcard, it's on the picture.
Unfortunately, this problem does exist. According to my postcrossing experience, the mail exchange between China and Russia is the most unreliable of all I've ever tried ... How many postcards sent to China disappeared without a trace, what a pity ...
On the photo is famous (according to the girl) spring of their city.
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