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17.06.2013 Izhevsk |
Natasha lives in Izhevsk but not long ago she visited St.Petersburg where bought many postcards for postcrossing. Interesting that this card with the view of Gatchina Palace (architect Antonio Rinaldi) is returning to its motherland :) Natasha strongly recommends us to visit Gatchina if we haven't done it before, writes that there's a nice park with many ducks.
На этом примере я поняла, почему многие просят присылать открытки с видом тех мест, откуда идет отправление. Карточка с видом Гатчины и штампом Ижевска режет глаз... Честно говоря, сама грешила подобным, сейчас стараюсь исправляться! (When I received this card I understood why many postcrossers ask to send postcards with the views of those places wherefrom they'r sending. The card with the view of Gatchina and stamp of Izhevsk cuts eye. Honestly to say, I also used to sin like this, now I'm on my way of improving!